Spencer Tennessee
A Small City on the Cumberland Plateau

City Council

Meeting Schedule

Regular meetings are held on the last Thursday of the month, starting at 5:30 PM at City Hall.


Renee Guy


Elected: 01/01/2017 Term: 01/01/2017 — 01/01/2017 Email: user@example.com

Bonnie Adcock


Elected: 01/01/2017 Term: 01/01/2017 — 01/01/2017 Email: user@example.com

Jeff Walling


Elected: 01/01/2017 Term: 01/01/2017 — 01/01/2017 Email: user@example.com

Robert Shelley


Elected: 01/01/2017 Term: 01/01/2017 — 01/01/2017 Email: user@example.com